Monday, July 16, 2012

Leah Isbell vs. Hunter Kemper (the Olympian a.k.a a super fancy)

My transition area

Hunter's transition area, please notice that he doesn't have a little tupperware container to wash his feet off or a fancy ladybug balloon to mark his transition area

Hunter during the first transition from swim to bike

Hunter on the bike

Leah before the swim

The swim went faster than I planned on and I was really happy with my time but super tired when I got out of the lake and ran to my transition area.  Oh did  I mention that Hunter Kemper finished before I even started.  He went twice as far as I did and he finished in less time than it took me to do my race.

Leah on the bike

I thought the bike was horrible.  Everyone kept passing me including a 10 year old on a mountain bike...yikes!  I bike about 15 miles an hour and Hunter Kemper bikes about 30 miles an hour


The run was the worst.  It was super hot out and I was pretty dehydrated as I wasn't able to drink enough water on the bike because I didn't have a water bottle.  Hunter Kemper was super fast.  I got to see him finish before I started my race and barely noticed the blur that is Hunter run by.

Finish- another item checked off the 30 before 30 list!

While I will never be an Olympian like Hunter I am still happy that I finished!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Regular People

“The Government comes for the regular people first”
Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable

This past year I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be “regular people”.  As a kid I grew up thinking I could be whatever I wanted to be.  As I got older I realized that wasn’t entirely true.  If I wanted to be a doctor I had to excel at science, if I wanted to be a professional singer I actually had to sound good when I sang, if I wanted to be a gymnast I had to be able to touch my toes when I bent over.  As I get older the window of opportunities is shutting, and shutting fast.

In this clip from the Pilot episode of the Cosby Show, Theo decides he’s going to be a regular person.  Cliff isn’t having it and tries to teach him a life lesson about budgeting money and what it is like to live on a regular person’s salary.  Cliff starts listing off bills that Theo will have and then takes all his monopoly money.  At the end Theo is left with nothing and Cliff says, “Regular people.”

With my 30th birthday looming, I have started to think about what I want for myself and for the future.  For some reason 30 is my magic number.  I thought that by the time I turned 30 I would have my junk together and know what I was doing.  All I have wanted my whole life is to be good at one thing that mattered.  My family and friends seem to excel at something while I am exceptionally good at being normal, well that and relaxing.

Being a T.V. junkie, I have learned many of life’s lessons through that magical box in the living room.  Growing up I wanted to be a Cosby.  I wanted to have Cliff show me what life was about and teach me everything I needed to know.  Some of Cliff’s lessons are happy, fun and thought provoking but sadly some are disappointing. Thankfully almost all of them end in a laugh.   If anybody knows Bill Cosby send him to Minneapolis (he is the one movie star I would love to meet!)  

With every paycheck I experience what it is like to be a regular person and this April , the government came for me first (and took all my money).  I have accepted that I am not a movie star, a famous writer, an Olympic gold medalist and that I don't have any letters after my name.  I am Leah Isbell.........a regular person.      

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A tribute to my favorite Tribute....Katniss Everdeen

A little over two years ago as I was taking tickets at a middle school basketball game, I picked up the Hunger Games.  After the first ten pages my fingers started twitching with anticipation, wanting to turn the pages to read more.  Every so often I would have to put the book down and greet parents all the while counting down the seconds until I could pick up my book and escape into District 12.  By the time I left the game, I was completely hooked.
I drove/sped home, threw on my cozies and climbed into my reading chair.  “What are we doing tonight?” Forest asked.  “I’m reading The Hunger Games,” I replied giving Forest the don’t talk to me until I am done reading look.  I settled into my chair, the way Katniss settles into the trees, and consumed the rest of The Hunger Games. 
After reading The Hunger Games, it became my new goal to have everyone I know read the book.  The craze began to spread like a wildfire.  Students started reading… teachers, friends, and family.  “Have you read The Hunger Games yet?” I would ask.  “It’s awesome, you have to read it.” 
“What is it about?” someone would inevitably ask.  The tricky part was explaining the plot.  Yes it is violent, yes it is kids killing kids, but not by choice.  Teenagers, also known as tributes, are thrust into an environment and told there can only be one survivor.  They are sacrificial lambs, children being led to slaughter.   They are pawns in a game…the hunger games.  As a reminder to all districts that they must never rebel, the Capital hosts the hunger games and each tribute must fight to the death in order to become the winner.   The games are televised so everyone at home can witness the death, violence and actions of the tributes all the while being reminded that the Capital is in control.  Enter Katniss… the girl who changed everything, the girl on fire.    
Katniss is from district 12.  She is poor, fatherless, and supporting her family by hunting illegally.  Katniss instantly found a place in my heart as she reminded me of my own sister and how she would have volunteered to take my place as tribute.  How could you not love Katniss?  The girl can hunt, shoot arrows, throw knives, sing, dazzle crowds, save her family and survive in a world where all the odds are against her.  Even her name, Katniss, sounds tough.  She is also tenderhearted, loves the outcasts, and will do anything for her younger sister Prim.
Despite having two boys fall madly in love with her, she doesn’t become lovesick and weak.  She fights.  She fights for her family, her freedom, her privacy and her choices.  She fights for basic human rights, for everything that is wrong in her world, and to make things right.  She is independent, willful, and scrappy.  She is a role model for all young adult women. 
Could I do it?  Could I survive the hunger games?  Could I fight and possibly kill someone, a kid no less?   The answer is no, I would probably be the first tribute to go.  As soon as the horn sounded I would be toast, the cannon would be fired and I would be hovercrafted away.  Nobody would raise three fingers to their lips in a salute for me. 
If you haven’t read the book already I am sure you are itching to pick it up.  You won’t regret it.  Take an adventure to Panem, meet Katniss and have your world turned upside down.  Find the message you are meant to learn.  May the odds be ever in your favor.

Image taken from:

Sunday, March 4, 2012

New Recipes

This week I have been busy cooking and baking.  With time running out, less than a year and a half left, I decided to tackle my goal of trying 100 new recipes before I turn 30.  The recipes I tried this week were: Chicken Tortilla Soup, Corn Bread, Zucchini Bread, Garlic Cheddar Biscuts and Mocha Chip Scones.

Only 95 recipes left to go....and 29 other goals as well. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

30 Before 30

January 5 was my half birthday.  I am now 28 and a half years old.  To motivate myself to write and have adventures, I decided to do a 30 before 30 challenge.  I took a look at my bucket list and  and decided that there's no time like the present.  Most of the items listed below are from my bucket list but some of them are things I think I would enjoy more in my twenties than in my thirties or rather I would look less ridiculous doing them the younger I am.  Sadly, I was unable to come up with 30 things that sounded appealing and were somewhat reasonable.  I am open to suggestions for the last few.........

1) Tailgate
2) Do a winter plunge
3) Do another triathlon
4) Run a half marathon
5) Read 5 "classic" novels
6) Try 100 new recipes
7) Ride a mechanical bull
8) Knit something for myself
9) Travel to 2 states I have never been to
10) Watch 25 of the top 100 AFI movies
11) Write something I can be proud of
12) Learn to sew on a button
13) Take a hot yoga class
14) Go paddle boarding
15) Get rid of 50 things in our house
16) Do something out of my comfort zone
17) Ride a segway
18) Drive a convertible
19) Go to a midnight showing
20) Learn to can
21) Learn to use our nice camera and take a picture I am proud of
22) Take a class
23) Tour a vineyard
30) Go to Las Vegas for my 30th birthday