Wednesday, January 11, 2012

30 Before 30

January 5 was my half birthday.  I am now 28 and a half years old.  To motivate myself to write and have adventures, I decided to do a 30 before 30 challenge.  I took a look at my bucket list and  and decided that there's no time like the present.  Most of the items listed below are from my bucket list but some of them are things I think I would enjoy more in my twenties than in my thirties or rather I would look less ridiculous doing them the younger I am.  Sadly, I was unable to come up with 30 things that sounded appealing and were somewhat reasonable.  I am open to suggestions for the last few.........

1) Tailgate
2) Do a winter plunge
3) Do another triathlon
4) Run a half marathon
5) Read 5 "classic" novels
6) Try 100 new recipes
7) Ride a mechanical bull
8) Knit something for myself
9) Travel to 2 states I have never been to
10) Watch 25 of the top 100 AFI movies
11) Write something I can be proud of
12) Learn to sew on a button
13) Take a hot yoga class
14) Go paddle boarding
15) Get rid of 50 things in our house
16) Do something out of my comfort zone
17) Ride a segway
18) Drive a convertible
19) Go to a midnight showing
20) Learn to can
21) Learn to use our nice camera and take a picture I am proud of
22) Take a class
23) Tour a vineyard
30) Go to Las Vegas for my 30th birthday


  1. I think #24 should be "Get my picture taken next to a really big check." Big as in physical extent.

    - Chris

  2. This is such a great idea! I want to do a 30 before 30 list... except I only have a few weeks before the end of March! Maybe I'll make a more do-able list. I don't know if any of these suggestions appeal to you, but some ideas for your list might be:

    -- Eat vegetarian/vegan for a week.
    -- Rehearse a song and then go belt it at a karaoke bar. Posting to YouTube is optional.
    -- Stand naked in front of the mirror seven mornings in a row and tell yourself something positive about what you see in your reflection.
    -- Get a roll of 30 pennies and randomly leave them around your neighborhood, face up, for people to find. For those who are superstitious, it's like you're giving good luck to 30 people.
    -- Take a hip-hop dance class (Drex and I did this before we got married. It was hilarioius. We've got no funk).
    -- Write a letter to yourself to open on your 40th birthday.
    -- Along the same lines, create a "time capsule" with wrappers of what you like to eat, photos of yourself, maybe some magazine clippings, or lists of stuff you like, and seal it up in a box to open at some future birthday.
    -- Visit Montreal again. :)
