Sunday, August 29, 2010

My First Post

Well, I finally decided to jump on the blog wagon.  Forest and I made it here safely. Our place is very nice and spacious and the cats are pretty fun.  Montreal is a nice city and there are lots of different neighborhoods to explore.  Forest started at McGill and is learning a lot while I on the other hand am unemployed.  I still have no friends but have started friend-dating.  So far I have made it two days now without crying.  We really miss all of our friends and family and would love to have visitors (hint hint).  I feel like I am selling the city a little short so I am going to write about all of the fun things we have been doing.  We have been exploring some of the neighborhoods especially Old Montreal which is beautiful.  There are cobblestone streets, a variety of restaurants and cool buildings.  We have been to park Mont Royal and walked up the "mountain" several times.  Yesterday we went out of the city to Oka Park and walked along the beach for about two hours, let's just say we are not in Iowa anymore. We have been exploring our neighborhood, Notre Dame de Grace, and found some great restaurants and shops.  The grocery shopping in Montreal is amazing, especially the markets!    Forest likes the coffee shops.  We took a trip to the botanical gardens with our parents and they were cool as well.  I am still not sure what I am supposed to write about on a blog so I guess this is all there is for now. 


  1. Excellent! I am going to read this religiously. I am hoping for a series of posts about charming English/French miscommunications, your quest for the perfect pretzel, what it's like to buy things with loonies, and whether the bacon is any tastier.

  2. Not only am I going to read this religiously, but now it is my goal and mission to comment before my charming husband. We'll let you know when he has read Mockingjay so that you can right a really long blog about that. I love Leah!!!

  3. I've heard that Montreal even has indoor plumbing now, but I'm not sure if that's true or if it's just propaganda from the pinko socialist Canadian government, eh? [Sorry, been paying too much attention to Faux News...]

  4. Please give us regular updates about the cats! Do they have open markets? Little shops like in Gremlins? Are cell calls to the U.S. more expensive?

    - Chris J.

  5. Leah, you got your first blog just right! It's like we're really there:) So....we have spring break in March....(hint, hint).

  6. it's great that you are starting a blog, leah! i am excited to read your updates and learn about montreal and the new life you and forest are creating there through your posts. thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us! miss you and am counting down the days until angela and i visit in october. love, julie!
