Monday, September 20, 2010

Bar Habor

This weekend on Saturday and Sunday, Forest and I went to Bar Harbor, Maine and it was awesome!  If you have not been there sometime in your life you have to go.  First, we went to the harbor and walked along the ocean.  It was really fun to hear and see the waves crashing up on shore.  We ate some lobster pizza for dinner and got super good ice cream.  On Sunday we went to Acadia National Park and again walked along the coast and then went to Cadillac Mountain. Everything was so beautiful and the leaves were just beginning to change which made it all the more breathtaking. 

Friday night, we were still in Montreal and went to a cooking class at this place downtown. There were about 8 people and we all made the meal together, it was delicious!  For the appetizer there was a mixture of apple, fig and pine nuts served over a piece of spice cake with foie gras and yes it did look like cat foot before it was cooked but was very tasty.  It was my first fig and my first foie gras.  For the main course we had pork chops served on top of potatoes galette with apple and bacon chutney and also green beans.  I tried to skip out on the beans since I don't like them but the chef wouldn't let me.  Desert was awesome as well, apple crostata with maple syrup caramel and vanilla ice cream.

Things are looking up! 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back on Track

Well after a week and a half I decided to venture out on my second date and I must say that this time it was much better.  It was raining when I left but as soon as I got out of my car at my destination it stopped.  I decided to go to Westmont to the public library, walk down to Green Avenue and then walk around the shops, cafes on Sherbrooke at Westmont.  The Westmont Public Library is really great.  It is in a beautiful building next to a park and a green house. I was a little dissapointed in the DVD selection but other than that it was perfect, nice tables, couches and a reading room.  The downside is that I would have to pay for a membership since I don't live in Westmont and it would be 120.00 for the year but I can still go there and read books I just can't leave with them.

After perusing the library I walked through the green house, which smelled like a dirty locker room, and then walked around the park.  I headed to Green Street and walked around the shops and then went back to Sherbrooke and walked around the shops there.  I must say that walking around fancy shops when you are broke as a joke isn't the most exciting but it was still fun to window shop.  All in all, I am no longer mad at the city and am now willing to venture out again soon.   

Friday, September 3, 2010

My First Date

After many hours of watching t.v. and after coming to the realization that I actually live here I have decided to take some inspiration from one of my favorite t.v. characters, Carrie Bradshaw.  I have decided to date Montreal.  Our first date was Parc Jean-Drapeau and let me tell you as far as dates go, the city let me down.  The weather is still pretty hot so I decided on going to the beach.  I packed my bag and took the metro our to Parc Jean-Drapeau which actually consists of two islands.  I came out of the metro on the first island, Ile Saint Helene.  I walked around for about 45 minutes trying to find the plage (that's beach in French) and couldn't find it.  I did however come upon a very nice aquatic center only to find out that it was closed.  It was open everyday this summer including yesterday and is going to be open everyday for the next two months but was closed today.  It was beautiful and inviting and so hot outside that I almost cried.  On my way walking back to find a map I met a couple and their six year old son.  We all figured out that the beach was on the second island, Ile de Notre Dame.  We all decided to walk over there together.  After about another 45 minutes of walking we finally found the beach and it was completely empty.  I thought it was maybe because it was a Thursday but after stepping into the nice, cold, refreshing water I was yelled at in French to get out of the water and that the beach was closed.  I went to the picnic table to dry my feet and was yelled at in French because everything on the island is apparently closed.  Needless to say I had to walk another 45 minutes back to the first island to catch the metro home.  The silver lining is that my new boyfriend, Montreal, introduced me to a very nice family who suffered through most of my adventure with me.  I am really going to have to pick something great for our second date.