Monday, September 20, 2010

Bar Habor

This weekend on Saturday and Sunday, Forest and I went to Bar Harbor, Maine and it was awesome!  If you have not been there sometime in your life you have to go.  First, we went to the harbor and walked along the ocean.  It was really fun to hear and see the waves crashing up on shore.  We ate some lobster pizza for dinner and got super good ice cream.  On Sunday we went to Acadia National Park and again walked along the coast and then went to Cadillac Mountain. Everything was so beautiful and the leaves were just beginning to change which made it all the more breathtaking. 

Friday night, we were still in Montreal and went to a cooking class at this place downtown. There were about 8 people and we all made the meal together, it was delicious!  For the appetizer there was a mixture of apple, fig and pine nuts served over a piece of spice cake with foie gras and yes it did look like cat foot before it was cooked but was very tasty.  It was my first fig and my first foie gras.  For the main course we had pork chops served on top of potatoes galette with apple and bacon chutney and also green beans.  I tried to skip out on the beans since I don't like them but the chef wouldn't let me.  Desert was awesome as well, apple crostata with maple syrup caramel and vanilla ice cream.

Things are looking up! 


  1. There's corporate sponsorship of mountains now? Sickening.

  2. Hooray! Yippee!

    Sounds not yummy, but I will believe you.

  3. I am so glad to hear that. What a bunch of activities you have been involved in. They all sound so fantastic. And Bar, that is seeing something, IMHO

    It's Aunt Kebbie. I'll get a new google account. sorry

  4. LEAH!! I would love those recipes!! Maybe you will help me at Christmas time!! Maple syrup is my favorite!! You two are doing some FUN things and I am so happy for you!
    Love you!
