Saturday, October 30, 2010


It is officially snowing in Canada.  About four hours after we dropped my sister and Julie off at the airport it started snowing.  I am guessing that it is probably cold enough to be snowing in Iowa and Minnesota so this might be a moot point.  I think that for Halloween I am going to wear my down jacket and be a cold American. 

I also feel like I am finally adjusting to my life in Montreal.  About two months ago all I could think about was leaving.  The city felt so claustrophobic and every weekend I wanted to leave, drive far away from the city that felt so much like a cage.  It is funny that something so big could seem so small.  Now I feel comfortable here, I know where I am going for the most part and I have discovered I am really good at speaking French when I just nod and point.   Don't get me wrong, I still miss all of my friends and family but I now feel like I will make it.  I have made some friends, knitted a really ugly scarf, navigated my way around the city, started to learn some French, joined a library, and eaten some really delicious food.  Maybe this catepillar is finally turning into a butterfly.


  1. Il ne neige pas dans Iowa maintenant. Uh, comment dit-on "don't jinx it"?

  2. LEAH! I LOVE YA! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWAH!
